Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Medicare Payroll Taxes/Premiums, CMS, Senator Ted Kennedy

Payroll Taxes

"By proposing to expand and extend this [payroll tax] 'holiday,' Democrats have bypassed more efficient ways to help the economy, and have once again endangered Social Security.  And by demanding tax breaks for millionaires while blocking them for the middle class, Republicans have once again demonstrated their willingness to blow up the economy for self-serving purposes."  "What's wrong with that [potential compromises]?  The first problem is with the framing.  The payroll (or FICA) contribution should be seen as a premium, not a tax, especially for employees.  Working people are paying into a social insurance program, with the expectation that they'll collect benefits (primarily Social Security, though the tax also helps fund Medicare) from it when they're needed."

First and foremost, we must remember that Medicare and Social Security are pre-paid public benefits.  For Medicare, we pay (or paid) a premium.

Support For Tavenner

"President Barack Obama’s Medicare nominee Tuesday got unexpected support from one of Congress’ Republican stars.  House Majority Leader Eric Cantor told The Associated Press that Marilyn Tavenner is 'eminently qualified' to run Medicare.  It may be too soon to contemplate a truce in the political wars over health care. With Tavenner, major players on both sides may be able to shift from confrontation to problem-solving."

Courage: Sen. Ted Kennedy

JULY 9, 2008:  Sen. Kennedy returns to Capitol Hill for Medicare vote -- "Senator Ted Kennedy has returned to Capitol Hill to vote on long-stalled Medicare legislation for the first time since he was diagnosed with brain cancer."

We all need to demonstrate such courage and strength of conviction in support of the aged and disabled.  And, we can do it -- even in the face of those who say "liberal" is a dirty word.

For Your Information


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