Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Poll: Tax Wealthy - Save Medicare, Joint Select Secrecy, Romney & Social Security

People Protecting Medicare

Polls continue to support Medicare and higher taxes for the wealthy.  "More than half of Republicans say wealthier Americans should pay more in taxes to bring down the federal budget deficit.  Fifty-three percent of self-identified Republicans back an increase in taxes on households making more than $250,000, a sentiment at odds with the party’s presidential candidates."  "More than two-thirds of all Americans back higher taxes on the rich and even larger numbers think Medicare and Social Security benefits should be left alone, according to a Bloomberg-Washington Post national poll conducted Oct. 6-9."

Looks like "ordinary citizens" really can think for themselves.  However, will those who think they are Republicans actually break from "their" party and vote for what the truly believe?

Also see -- "Washington Post/Bloomberg poll: Even GOP majorities say tax rich, protect Social Security, Medicare" which includes this chart (from Mother Jones) of what the top ONE PERCENT make:

Shsssh - Committee Working, Maybe

"On one crucial point, a powerful Congressional committee seeking ways to reduce the federal budget deficit has managed to produce a rare bipartisan consensus: Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives in and out of Congress say the panel is doing too much of its work in secret."  "Far from apologizing for their secrecy, members of the committee say it shows they are making progress toward a possible agreement, establishing trust among themselves without public posturing or partisan sniping."

Of course, just the other day, everyone was reporting no progress at all.

Romney No Friend to Social Security

"No matter how fatigued the rest of the country is with the endless Republican debate schedule, Mitt Romney must be looking forward to tonight’s face-off in New Hampshire.  Despite reports that he is losing ground in some states to Herman Cain and others, Romney knows he has nothing to fear in New Hampshire.  Pundits expect him to continue his above-the-fray act while letting his challengers duke it out for King-of-the-Right-Wing.  That the media has latched onto this narrative so tightly is disappointing, since even a glance at the candidates’ records shows them often to be apples from the same tree, differing more in rhetoric than actual substance. Case in point: Social Security."

We've said it before -- beware.

For Your Information

The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare is working to do just that -- preserve Social Security and Medicare.  Check their “Hands Off –No Cuts Campaign.”

Also FYI:  I check the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction Web site every day.  No new information since September 13.

Is This Worthy of Support by Seniors or a Senior Organization?

Every now and again, I check the home page of the ultra-Conservative 60-Plus Association.  Here's what I found today:  "Seniors Group Recognizes Economic Benefits of Keystone XL Pipeline - 60 Plus Chairman supports $7 billion private sector TransCanada project."  As someone who worked in gerontology and aging services for decades, I am appalled that this group sees even a tenuous connection between a Trans-Canada oil pipeline and the needs of older Americans.  Get real.  More.


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